Area Code 701 - Fargo, ND

Below is the information for Area Code 701
General Information for Area Code 701
Country United States
State/Province North Dakota
Major City Fargo
Time Zone Central (UTC-06:00)

Phone directory of numbers beginning with Area Code 701 Prefixes

Prefix Primary City County Phone Type
701-385 Kenmare, ND Ward Landline
701-386 Tolley, ND Renville Landline
701-387 Sterling, ND Burleigh Landline
701-388 Fargo, ND Cass Cell Number
701-389 Bottineau, ND Bottineau Cell Number
701-390 Bismarck, ND Burleigh Cell Number
701-391 Bismarck, ND Burleigh Cell Number
701-392 Steele, ND Kidder Landline
701-393 Rocklake, ND Towner Landline
701-394 Jamestown, ND Stutsman Cell Number
701-395 Webster, ND Ramsey Landline
701-396 Goodrich, ND Sheridan Landline
701-397 Niagara, ND Grand Forks Landline
701-398 Devils Lake, ND Ramsey Landline
701-399 Harvey, ND Wells Cell Number
701-400 Bismarck, ND Burleigh Cell Number
701-402 Grand Forks, ND Grand Forks Landline
701-403 Wahpeton, ND Richland Cell Number
701-404 Fargo, ND Cass Landline
701-408 Oakes, ND Dickey Cell Number
‹‹ 1 2 ... 8 9 10 11 12 ... 32 33 ››

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Location Details

Area code is a type of numbering scheme used in telecommunication. It divides the territories of its member countries, the code is a three-digit code. The digits 0 and 1 applied for central office codes. Other digits were applied into geographic areas of the service territory.

  • 200: easily recognizable code (ERC)
  • 201: New Jersey
  • 202: Washington, D.C.
  • 203: Connecticut
  • and so on.

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